
Sara Bingham

Sara Bingham is the author of The Baby Signing Book and the founder of WeeHands, a sign language program with instructors across North America. She is a frequent contributor to parenting magazines and baby-related professional websites.

Since 2001, WeeHands has taught over 5000 families, child care staff and other caregivers across North America to sign with their infants and toddlers. In our classes qualified WeeHands instructors teach parents how to use American Sign Language vocabulary, songs and language development strategies with their baby, toddler and preschool children.

Contact Sara at:

Sara Bingham, WeeHands Founder
Author of The Baby Signing Book
T: 1-866-746-SIGN
E: [email protected]

Title Created Date Hits
Why Use Sign Language with Your Baby? 14 October 2015 5035